Ash Wednesday
The procession of Christ the Redeemer
As the madness of the Carnival celebrations fade into silence at the toll of midnight, the long 40 days of lent commence with the Catholic rites related to Ash Wednesday with the stark reminder admonishing human vanity of its inevitable return to ashes.

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That day the pious procession with the statue of Christ the Redeemer leaves the chapel of Santu Kristu on the peak Kalamija hill walking past the graveyard, moving in the dark streets just outside the village’s boundaries. Slowly it enters the village approaching the Parish Church of the Assumption as prayers echo in the chill of the early evening.
It is the time for self-reflection, self-discovery and renewal. It’s the start of the 40 days of lent with its promise of sacrifice, contrition and fasting.
Morbi vel tincidunt neque. Aenean consectetur maximus tristique. Sed nunc sem, maximus ac diam vel, pretium condimentum turpis.Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In at tincidunt libero. Sed et sem luctus, iaculis ligula ut, luctus quam. Sed at tortor id leo cursus sagittis eu quis purus. Sed iaculis leo tempus erat mollis, quis imperdiet ante lacinia. Nulla condimentum quam id orci ornare blandit. Pellentesque vitae dui tincidunt libero pretium interdum. Nulla ut metus in turpis laoreet egestas in a lectus. Praesent a eros dui. Quisque accumsan mauris est, sit amet laoreet justo pellentesque sed. Phasellus augue urna, vehicula a volutpat pretium, commodo eget nisi. Mauris non odio erat.