A celebration of the community
Il-Marċ ta’ Filgħodu
Morbi vel tincidunt neque. Aenean consectetur maximus tristique. Sed nunc sem, maximus ac diam vel, pretium condimentum turpis.

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Nothing screams joy and ecstatic letting go as a happy, as much as a sunny morning in August on its festa day! This gathering of people of every age, all dressed in the blue the official colour of their club; singing and jumping to the beat of the village band as it marches around the village. The crescendo of this collective display of emotion is reached at the heart of the village square.
It’s all a feast of connectivity, a celebration of a community fulfilling the ancient pact that August the 15th has to be marked with a tribute of celebrative exultation. This contemporary scenario has incredible bleeding in to those bucolic feasts held at the Chapel of Santa Marija ta’ Awwissu (which eventually served as the first Parish Church) by a certain Ġanni Mangion who exactly on August the 15th after mass would supply fruit and wine to all the peasants in attendance to feast of the Assumption just after midday’s banquet. This as minutely reported by Monsigneur Pietro Dusina, inquisitor and Apostolic delegate sent by Pope Gregory XIII in his visits of the parishes and chapels of the Maltese islands from 1574 to 1575.
If those Dusina remarked with satisfaction of the lavish rustic celebrations unleashed by Mangion in celebrating the feast of the Assumption, one wonders what would he say of today’s display of devotion and outpour of jubilation.
Morbi vel tincidunt neque. Aenean consectetur maximus tristique. Sed nunc sem, maximus ac diam vel, pretium condimentum turpis.Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In at tincidunt libero. Sed et sem luctus, iaculis ligula ut, luctus quam. Sed at tortor id leo cursus sagittis eu quis purus. Sed iaculis leo tempus erat mollis, quis imperdiet ante lacinia. Nulla condimentum quam id orci ornare blandit. Pellentesque vitae dui tincidunt libero pretium interdum. Nulla ut metus in turpis laoreet egestas in a lectus. Praesent a eros dui. Quisque accumsan mauris est, sit amet laoreet justo pellentesque sed. Phasellus augue urna, vehicula a volutpat pretium, commodo eget nisi. Mauris non odio erat.