A golden canopy that hovers on the main altar of the parish church.

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Its a golden canopy that hovers on the main altar of the parish church, gliding like floating cloud of splendour with its ornate, intricate carving and its exquisite silvery canavazzo d’oro drapes embroidered with embossed bouquets of lilium seemingly stiched in gold by the nimble fingers of angels. Its tassles sway in the breezes that escape the dome’s coloured windows since 1905. Its huge, centrally intertwined ‘A’ and ‘M’ monogram for “Ave Maria” in triumphant garlanding of lilium and roses craftily created by Antonio Abdilla clearly hallmark it as yet another treasure in the vaults of the Assumption.
Its elevation from ground level to the ornate Church’s ceiling by a system of ropes and pulleys working through sheer elbow grease and sinewy forces has gone unchanged from time immemorial.
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